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Category Archives: Blogging and Other Online Income

Are you committing any of the 7 deadly sins of real estate blogs?

The 7 Deadly Sins of Real Estate Blogs

Who wants some real estate blogging tips from a professional real estate blogger?! We’ve got you covered! Meet Noelle Hartt, a professional copywriter and content marketer, specializing in real estate websites and blogs. That’s right; Noelle writes real estate content for a living. She knows what differentiates the good blogs from the bad, and the great blogs from the good. And she’s generously written …

Learn how to build your own real estate website

How to Build Your Own Real Estate Website

Are you considering building your own real estate website? Smart move! Your broker’s site may be great, but it’s not going to promote your personal brand or encourage prospective clients to choose you over your colleagues. You need to make yourself stand out! You need to promote your own unique brand and engage directly with potential buyers and sellers. The best way to do …

How To Add a Blog Page to Your WordPress Site in 5 Min...

Today is a quick tech lesson. We’re going to add a blog page to your existing WordPress website in just 5 minutes. Here is the 4-step process: Add a new page Name and publish your new blog page Adjust your page settings Make sure your new blog page is listed in your website menu I’ll provide screenshots from one of my own WordPress accounts …

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